Runs the inner gear and if it is successful, a commit request is issued to the LinqCarboniteController<TDataContext> transaction. Otherwise a rollback request is issued.

Namespace: Keystone.Clockwork.To.Carbonite.Linq
Assembly: Keystone.Clockwork.To.Carbonite.Linq (in Keystone.Clockwork.To.Carbonite.Linq.dll)

public class MakeTransactional<TDataContext, TInnerGearResult> : MakeTransactional<TDataContext, LinqCarboniteController<TDataContext>, IDbTransaction, IsolationLevel, TInnerGearResult> 
where TDataContext : DataContext, new()
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Type Parameters


The data context type.


The inner gear result type.

Return Value

Transfer the running result of Decorate<TResult, InnerGear.

Windows, Windows Server, OS X, macOS, iOS, tvOS, Android, Linux, AWS, Azure

The .NET Framework does not support all versions of every platform. For a list of the supported versions, see System Requirements.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.6


Xamarin, Mono